Showroom para a Jular
Em Maio de 2011, depois do incêndio de 2010, foi instalado na Azambuja o novo showroom da Jular Madeiras. O desafio era implementar numa área limitada e pré-definida, um espaço dedicado à apresentação dos produtos e outro dedicado a escritórios, salas de reuniões e da administração. O ambiente deveria ser neutro, para acolher a diversidade de produtos e marcas das diferentes áreas de actividade da empresa, bem como transparecer o espírito da marca; sendo a Jular uma marca icónica, com história no sector da madeira em Portugal. Em simultâneo, o projecto deveria ser low-budget e o equipamento readaptável a um futuro espaço. Projectei diferentes tipos de expositores modulares, fáceis de reposicionar e alterar conteúdos, porta-folhetos para os catálogos multiformato e utilizei as paredes e armários dos escritórios como suportes para transmitir os valores da Jular, através de imagens e texto. Foi um projecto que gostei muito de realizar, pelo projecto em si e pelas pessoas envolvidas.
Jular Showroom
Description Interior Design
In May 2011, after 2010's fire, a new Jular’s showroom was set in Azambuja. The challenge was to create a limited and pre-set area: one place dedicated to product presentation and other dedicated to offices and meeting rooms. The environment should be as neutral, to welcome different products and brands, from the company's different business areas. It should also show the brand's spirit as an iconic brand, associated with wood based products, in Portugal. At the same time, it ought to be a low-budget project, and the used equipment should be readaptable to a future space. I thought of different types of module pieces, easy to set up and change, flyer-cases for multi-sized catalogues and used office's walls and closets to say through images and words, Jular's base values. I enjoyed this project and the people involved in it very much.
Description Interior Design
In May 2011, after 2010's fire, a new Jular’s showroom was set in Azambuja. The challenge was to create a limited and pre-set area: one place dedicated to product presentation and other dedicated to offices and meeting rooms. The environment should be as neutral, to welcome different products and brands, from the company's different business areas. It should also show the brand's spirit as an iconic brand, associated with wood based products, in Portugal. At the same time, it ought to be a low-budget project, and the used equipment should be readaptable to a future space. I thought of different types of module pieces, easy to set up and change, flyer-cases for multi-sized catalogues and used office's walls and closets to say through images and words, Jular's base values. I enjoyed this project and the people involved in it very much.
Showroom Interior Design: Magda Alves Pereira
Architecture: Appleton & Domingos
Photography: FG+SG architectural photography