Treehouse Riga decoração do interior
Desenvolvida pela Jular Madeiras, com base no sistema de construção modular Treehouse, a Treehouse Riga surge adaptada a uma nova tipologia mais compacta e flexível, procurando dar resposta à procura de habitações de área reduzida, tanto para o segmento particular como para hotelaria e turismo. Imaginei um ambiente de casa mediterrânea, com um design de interior vernacular, descontraído, acolhedor e alegre. Contrastando com o ambiente nórdico associado à Treehouse original, desta forma surge um outro género de ambiente que está igualmente em sintonia com o espírito da casa.
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Treehouse Riga Decoration
Based on modular construction system and developed by Jular Madeiras, Treehouse Riga is adapted to a more flexible, solid and new typology. These new modules try to respond to nowadays demands of smaller houses and touristic enterprises. I thought of a mediterranean house environment, with a joyful and cosy interior design. Although thereis a contrast with the nordic environment which is regularly associated to the original Treehouse, the mediterranean environment is also connected to the concept of the house.
You can know more about Treehouse at
Product Development: Jular Madeiras
Architecture: Appleton & Domingos
Interior Decoration: Magda Alves Pereira / kitchen furniture by Appleton & Domingos
Photography: FG+SG architectural photography